Welcome, FBI Philadelphia Citizens Academy Alumni Alumni Association Graduates!
You are a member of a select group of citizen leaders with the privilege of calling themselves FBI Citizens Academy Alumni. We hope you will stay connected to the FBI and to the other members of this exclusive club.
Annual dues are $50.00
Membership dues are renewable on January 1st of each year.
Inactive Member (all alumni)
Official communications
Invitations to participate in select activities
Alumni newsletter
Active Member (paid alumni)
All of the above, PLUS:
Invitations to exclusive briefings
Range Day
Field Trip to Quantico & FBIHQ
The opportunity to reconnect with your classmates and FBI Employees
Member Application Process:
Please fill out the FBIPHLCAAA Membership Application and Policy Affirmation Document.
Email the completed FBIPHLCAAA membership application to phlcaaa2022@gmail.com
We prefer that you to join/renew your membership using our online process with your credit card. To access this, click here.